Our Events
You'll find us across the country at various local, and national events. If you're holding an event and would like us to get involved, please get in touch! We've listed some of our most memorable below:

Cowes Week
Cowes Week was a bit of an unknown for us; as we'd never been. We catered at Round the Islands so we could familiarise ourselves with the event, the ferry and local wholesalers. After having an absolute blast during that weekend; we were really excited about 9 days of Cowes action.
All in all, we had a great time catering at Cowes. The place came alive; making it even more lovely to be in. The people were brilliant, the music was the best motivator to keep us working through the late hours and the 9 days seemed to just go in a blur. Our pizzas seemed to go down a treat and we were constantly kept busy. We made friends with the other traders and almost didn't want it to end. Saying that, it was tough - 9 x 14 hour days is enough to make anyone pretty exhausted.
We'll be back this year, so if anyone's going - please do come down and say hello!
Our Highlights - The Music and the People - we even enjoyed the drunken lingerers at the end!
Bath & West Show

We like our country shows; so the Bath & West seemed like a perfect event for us to be at. We decided to take Theo, the pizza van and prepare for queues.
Despite having a few issues trying to find our pitch (the place is a maze!), we soon made friends with our next-door-neighbours and set ourselves up.
Overall, we were slightly disappointed with the show - there were far too many caterers (We counted over 100 units) and we felt a bit lost in the enormous area it's held in. Nevertheless, we were given Bronze for our food and Theo's good lucks. So, it was definitely nice to stand out amongst the hundreds of others! We also loved the atmosphere and the horsey events.
Our Highlights: Making Pan n' Ice (ice-cream made from scratch!) and watching the farriers.
The British Grand Prix
The Grand Prix was one of our biggest events to date; and we committed to it during our first summer of trading. Wow, what an operation it was! We completely upgraded our capacity by buying more equipment and nervously approached Silverstone (breaking down three times enroute).
It was our first view of sky high competitor prices and huge scale catering outfits. Poor Theo looked so diddy in comparison. However, after finding our campsite for the night; we went to bed in excited anticipation.
The four days we were there went by in a blur. Our new gazebo proved a real winner and we managed to churn out enough pizza to compete with the huge queues. It was such an experience - blooming exhausting, but such an eye opener.
Our Highlights: Hearing and seeing people's reactions to Theo, and the adrenaline rush getting through the queues. Cider never tasted so good after a day at Silverstone!